
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Screening: Saving Mr. Banks

Update: All winners have been notified.  Thank you everyone for entering the contest!

Screening Date: Thursday, November 21
Time: 7:30 PM
City: Washington, DC
Theater: AMC Georgetown

Saving Mr. Banks tells the untold, true backstory of how Disney's classic Mary Poppins made it to the big screen. Walt Disney’s daughters begged him to make a movie of their favorite book, P.L. Travers’ “Mary Poppins,” and he made them a promise that took take 20 years to keep. The movie stars Tom Hanks as Disney, Emma Thompson as Travers, Colin Farrell, Ruth Wilson, Paul Giamatti, and Jason Schwartzman. Early impressions of the film have been positive, including one from one of our Watch or Pass readers! We have passes for a screening taking place on Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 7:30 PM.
We will be selecting winners on Monday. To qualify, you MUST be a fan of Watch or Pass on Facebook, so if you haven't "liked" us yet, please go there and do so now. After that, please comment on this blog post (using Disqus, so we have an email address to contact you at) with your answer to the question: 

What was your favorite Disney movie growing up?


  1. I would love passes to the Saving Mr. Banks screening in DC please!

  2. Wow that hard I loved all the Disney movies... I'd have to say growing up it was Pete's Dragon

  3. The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie of all time!

  4. The Little Mermaid turned it all around for Disney! Remember the trilogy, Mermaid, Aladdin, Lion King. I love Toy Story, too. It's hard to choose.

  5. Disney's "The Kid." Whatever happened to that kid? Anyways, greatest Bruce Willis movie ever

  6. The Lion King. Not even a competition compared to the others. Combine and amazing concept, beautiful visuals, Hans Zimmer producing the score and Elton John as lyricist, it really does not get any better than that.

  7. hehe, it was Beauty and the Beast partly because I loved the music and partly because it was the only Disney VHS I owned (it was a hand-me-down), and so I watched it over and over. My girlfriend still teases me about it. :)

  8. my favorite was Oliver & Company!

  9. Mulan! Always great to see a strong female lead.

  10. Tie between Sleeping Beauty and Beauty & the Beast

  11. I LOVED Lion King as adult which surpassed all my childhood Disney memories

  12. I loved Mary Poppins and The Black Hole (because they were so similar :-)

  13. "Beauty and the Beast" was my favorite movie growing up.

  14. Ps I had a crush on Haley Mills

  15. Looks like Hocus Pocus is Disney! Yay!

  16. Mary Poppins, hands down. I listened to the soundtrack constantly for months!

  17. My favorite Disney movie growing up was Fantasia. The visual effects were ahead of their time. The soundtrack remains timeless.

  18. Mulan - animated, for live action -- it's harder to choose -- though of the true classics definitely Sleeping Beauty

  19. Winnie-the-Pooh was my favorite! Still makes me happy to think of it.

  20. The Lion King was my favorite Disney movie

  21. The Lion King is still my favorite Disney movie. It is great for the young and the old.

  22. Lion King was definitely one of my favorites, got to see the broadway play as well!

  23. Beauty and the Beast! A romantic, yet inspirational movie. Teach you that love doesn't care about the what is outside but inside..!

  24. I loved the Rescuers! And I like you on FB (Amy J)
