Running time: 129 minutes
Starring: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jake Gyllenhaal
Spider-Man Far From Home is the latest marvel cinematic universe movie, however this one is from Sony, not Disney. Thankfully, since this is still in the MCU, there is plenty of overlap with the main MCU threads. Several well known Marvel characters make appearances, and the events of Endgame are referenced heavily in Far From Home. It is definitely a continuation of the overall story and the is the movie that closes out this era of the MCU.

Like every Marvel movie, there is plenty of over-the-top action and special effects that really pop on the big screen. The visuals in this film go all out, with some truly amazing action sequences that both devastate cities and bend reality. And despite the heavy use of CG in this film, the purely CG scenes don't distract you from enjoying the film, unlike other recent Marvel movies (cough, Captain Marvel, cough). Accompanying the visuals is some truly rattling sound that feels right at home in a big summer blockbuster.
One thing that I have always appreciated about Tom Holland's Spider-Man is that he really feels like a kid trying to fill some very big shoes. Far From Home continues this theme with Spider-Man forced to choose between the normal life he wants and the super hero responsibilities that he has been given by the events of Endgame. His character feels conflicted and forced to grow up too quickly, and should be something that many movie goers can relate to (though not at the scale of Spider-Man). And Holland is just a likable character who really seems to understand what makes Spider-Man special. His addition to the MCU was brilliant and he does not disappoint in his latest caper. Holland is joined by an equally impressive supporting cast, highlighted by Jake Gyllenhaal's portrayal of Mysterio.
The film feels like a super hero Eurotrip, with Holland and crew visiting many different European locales that keep the film fresh and moving along. It really is fun to see the different venues and especially to watch the action in famous European cities. Far From Home is just an enjoyable movie from start to finish and a worthy palate cleanse to the seriousness of Marvel's last film.
Spider-Man Far From Home is a welcome change of pace from the gravity of Endgame, with a ton of humor, amazing special effects, and an enjoyable end to this era of the MCU. This is one summer trip you won't want to miss!
Watch it.
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